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Monday, December 12

Jarrod's last year 5 review

Hi I'm Jarrod and I have been in Room 10 for 1 year now and I have enjoyed it.

I am looking forward to...The year 5/6 CAMP because i just can't wait to do the mud slide and the water slide.

In Room:10 I've learned to multiplication and division.

I have enjoyed doing D.A.R.E because of all the fun and hard work.

I am proud of Miss Main for not being a grumpy teacher for the whole year.

My favourite memory was..Coming to Room 10 and having fun at everything we did in Room 10.

Another thing I am looking forward to next year is...being a year 6 instead of a year 5.

There is 1 more week of school and then I'm a year 6.

I have enjoyed this year and i will enjoy next year more.

The worst part is..there will be NO Room 10 next year.

I will miss Room 10 more then anyone in Lytton Street School.