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Living World

2 August:
We decided that this term in Living World we would like to study frogs.  This is what we would like to find out!

3 August:
We have been looking at the difference between humans and frogs.  We learned that frogs are amphibians and humans are mammals  here are just a few differences we looked at today:

9 August:
We were so lucky today Jarrod was nice enough to let us borrow his frog to have a look at.  We have been looking at how he moves and his behaviours.  Here is a photo we took of him today, can you work out where he is?  Frogs are very good at camouflaging.

10 August:
Today we examined the life cycle of a frog.  We have worked out why amphibian means two lives.  Frogs have one life in the water when they are tadpoles and a life on land when they are frogs.  Here is the life cycle of the frog:

11 August:
Today we have looked at the body parts of a frog and what they are used for.  Here is what we learned:
12 August:
We are going to be working on small group projects on frogs.  We need to pick a question that interests us, research the answer using a variety of techniques and then present our findings in a creative and innovative way.  We are working on using the Habit of Mind, Create and Innovate when working on our presentations.
The success criteria for our projects are:
  • how well have we answered our posed question
  • how well we have used a variety of research techniques to find our answer 
  • how creatively we have thought about presenting our findings
We will be sharing our findings on the 25th August.  I can't see what you all come up with!

25 August:
We made it!!!!!!  Today we presented our wonderful frog projects to the rest of the class.  We are all very proud of what we have achieved and how well we met the Success Criteria!!!!!  We learned a lot about frogs and also a lot about how we learn best and ways we can give ourselves the best chance at learning.  Here are some of our efforts!!!!!

Thanks for coming on our journey with us :)