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Wednesday, December 14

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

M Final Words

The thing I am looking forward to next year is camp. All the year six's have told me its so fun and it looks fun.

I'm proud that I haven't got in detention this year yet.

I have enjoyed D.A.R.E because we did fun activities and other stuff

I have learned elf I have learned some new words and some other new websites.


Next year I am looking forward to camp because the year 6's have been going on about it & it sounds intriguing.

This year I have enjoyed swimming because I was in the highest group which was hard but I still enjoyed it.

This year I have got involved in class sports such as Rippa Rugby & Frisbee touch which I am proud of.

Monday, December 12

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself


My name is Mikayla. I have been in Room 10 for one year. My favourite memory for 2011 is going to the Army Museum because we learned a lot, it was kind of intense and it was fun when we escaped from the trap.

I am excited about camp next year because I can't wait to go on the mud slide, ride the horses and have fun.

This year I learned about the 70's I also learned about the harms of drugs and different strategies to use at maths.

I am proud of doing music and learning the new little tunes for Little Red Riding Hood and performing in front of an audience.