This is a classroom working blog. You may see mistakes or errors. These errors will not be changed as this is where the children are currently working. This blog will be monitored by the classroom teacher. Thank you for visiting our blog.

Thursday, June 17

Buddy Reading

Every Wednesday Room 10 goes to Room 4 to buddy read with them so they get better at their reading. After we read to them they read to us they get their books out of there kit box. My girl read me a crocodile book with a lady and I read a Dinosaur book to her. I felt good. I read my girl a Dinosaur book and she read me two books one about a toy shop and about a toy.I felt good after I did it. Before we started reading to our buddy Miss Lambert the teacher read us a story.

Friday, June 11

My Greatest Feat - Week 3

This week we have been going out on special walks just to try and get our steps up.  Only a few pedometers have been lost or broken in the process.  We have now walked 422 kms and even picked up a few All Whites in the process.  Again the white part on the trail is where we have walked.  Our best wishes are with the team as the festivities kick off tonight!!!!

Go the All Whites!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 8

Keith Haring

In Room 10 we have been appreciating art. We have been studying Keith Haring, an American artist.

We will know we have been successful when our art:

  • is covered using bright bold colours.
  • has action lines.
  • conveys an emotion in cartoon style.
  • is eye catching.
Let us know what you think!!!!!!

Friday, June 4

My Greatest Feat - Week 2

This week we have been walking lots.  In total we have walked 275 kms!!!!  Check out our map this week to see our progress.  again the white part of the trail is our progress :)  Keep up the great work Room 10!

Miss Main

Forest Lakes

On Wednesday the 5th of May, the year 5/6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lakes camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learning to develop self confidence when faced with a new challenge. A challenge that I over came was the water slide because it was very fast and scary too. Afterwards I felt very good and amazed that I went down. My favourite part of camp was the mud slide it was very fast and fun too.

By Anna Hart

Thursday, June 3


On Wednesday the 5th of May, the year 5/6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lakes camp. At camp we were learning to develop self-confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge I overcame was the confidence course. It was a challenge because I thought I was going to fall. Afterwards I felt great. My favourite part of camp was the horses.
By Lily


On Wednesday the 5th of May the year 5/6 from Lytton Steet School went to Forest Lakes camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learning to develop self-confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I over came was the water-slide. It was a challenge because of the speed. Afterwards I felt happy. My favourite part of camp was horse riding.

By Conor

I over came...

On wednesday the 5th of May, when the rest of my class were at camp, I went to the doctor.  We were learning to develop self confidence. A challenge I over came was letting the doctor puit my arm back into place.  It was a challenge because I thought I was going to have to have surgery.  
 By Kerilee.


On Friday the 28th of May 4 kids from the booky bites book club went to the civic centre for the 2010 lit quiz. There are bonus rounds for the audience and for the kids in the groups.After wards we felt very proud for coming 4th place for our first time. I think it was a great experience and I would love to do it again.

Forest Lakes

On Wednesday the 5th of May the year 5\6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lake camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learning to develop self confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I over came was the water slide. It was a challenge because it was big and high.  My favourite part of camp was the mud slide.

By Jayde

Hidey Hi Happy Campers

On Wedensday the 5th of May the year 5/6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lakes Camp, north for Oiaki. At Camp we were learning to develop self confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I over came was the waterslide. Atfterwards I felt good. I was a challenge because it goes so fast. My favourite part of camp was the mudslide.

By Shanleigh

Forest Lakes

On Wednesday the 5 of May, the year 5\6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lakes camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learning to develop self-confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I over came was the absailing. It was a challenge because I am scared of height. Afterwards I felt proud of myself. My favourirte part of camp was the mudslide.

By Brayden


On Wednesday the 5 of May year 5-6 went to camp

from Lytton Street School. At camp we were learning
about self-confidence. The challenge that I over came was absailing because it was my first time. Afterwards I felt happy. My favourite activity was the mudslide.



On Wednesday the 5th of May, the year 5/6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lake camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learning to develop self-confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I over came was the water slide it was a challenge because it was high. Afterwards I felt great. My favourite part of camp was absailing. 



On Wednesday the 5th of May the year 5/6 from Lytton  Street School went to Forest Lakes camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learning to develop self-confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I that I over came was absailing, it was a challenge because it was so so high. Afterwards I felt happy. My favourite part of camp was the flying fox.

By Tylah

Camp Challenges

On Wednesday the 5th of May, the year 5/6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lakes Camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learning to develop self-confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I overcame was special night time activity. It was a challenge because I couldn't see a thing and I was scared. Afterwards I felt good. My favourite  part was the Mudsliade. 



On Wednesday the 5 of May the year 5/6 from Lytton street school went to Forest Lakes camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learning to develop self confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I over came was the waterslide. Afterwards I felt relieved that I did it. My favourite part of camp was the mudslide.

By Peter

Forrest Lakes Camp

On Wednesday the 5th of May, the year 5/6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lakes Camp, north of Otaiki. At Camp we were learning to develop setf confidene when faced with new challeges. A challenge that I over came was abseiling. It was a challenge because I do not like heights. Afterwards I felt great. My favourite part of camp was the mudslide.

By Taylah.

Crazy camp

On Wednesday the 5 of May,the year 5\6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lakes camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learnig to developself confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I over came was thewater slide.  Afterwards I felt very very proud of myself. My favourirte part of camp was the mudslide.

By Hayden


On Wednesday the 5th of May, the year 5/6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lakes camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learning develop self-confidence when faced with were new challenges. A  challenge that I over came was horse riding.  It was a challenge because it was high.  Afterwards I felt great my favourite part of camp was being there.


Kaea's Forest Lake Adventure

On Wednesday the 5th of May, the year 5/6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lakes camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learning to develop self confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I over came was the Waterslide. It was a challenge because it was very fast and high. Afterwards I felt very proud of myself because I overcame it. My favourite part of camp was the night walk.

By Kaea.

Gordon camp fun.

On Wednesday the 5 of May, the year 5\6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lakes Camp, north of
Otaki. At camp we were learning to developself-confadence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I over came was absailing. It was a challenge because I was scard of hieghts. Afterwards I felt proud of my self. My favourite part of camp was the mudslide.

By Gordon.


On Wednesday the 5th of May the year 5/6 from Lytton Street School went to Forest Lakes camp, north of Otaki. At camp we were learning to develop self confidence when faced with new challenges. A challenge that I overcame was abseilling it was a challenge because I was affraid of heights. Afterwards I felt proud of myself for actually going down. My favourite part of camp was the night time activity.