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Wednesday, December 14

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

M Final Words

The thing I am looking forward to next year is camp. All the year six's have told me its so fun and it looks fun.

I'm proud that I haven't got in detention this year yet.

I have enjoyed D.A.R.E because we did fun activities and other stuff

I have learned elf I have learned some new words and some other new websites.


Next year I am looking forward to camp because the year 6's have been going on about it & it sounds intriguing.

This year I have enjoyed swimming because I was in the highest group which was hard but I still enjoyed it.

This year I have got involved in class sports such as Rippa Rugby & Frisbee touch which I am proud of.

Monday, December 12

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself

Elf Yourself


My name is Mikayla. I have been in Room 10 for one year. My favourite memory for 2011 is going to the Army Museum because we learned a lot, it was kind of intense and it was fun when we escaped from the trap.

I am excited about camp next year because I can't wait to go on the mud slide, ride the horses and have fun.

This year I learned about the 70's I also learned about the harms of drugs and different strategies to use at maths.

I am proud of doing music and learning the new little tunes for Little Red Riding Hood and performing in front of an audience.


I have enjoyed being at Lytton Street School because we do heaps of fun things eg. go on camp like at forest lakes camp and go on cool trips. I am proud of me doing school cross country because I was really sick and still came 7th. I have learned reflection,rotation, and translation and heaps of other things this year. Merry Christmas and happy New Year.


I have been in room 10 for a term.
My favourite memory was the year 6 dance.
I'm looking forward to holidays.
I learned how to plus in maths.
I have enjoyed maths.

My things at school

I have been in Room 10 for 2 years. My favourite memory at LSS is going to camp last year. There was a mudslide, bowling ally, archery area, flying fox, horse riding and the confidence course. I'm looking forward to snowboarding and skiing at Intermediate because it going to be a thrilling ride down the mountain slopes. I have enjoyed the mudslide at forest lakes because you get to zip down very fast and splashing into a puddle of mud.


I have been in Room 10 for two years and I have enjoyed this year. My favourite memory was going to Forest Lakes Camp because there were lots of activities like the mud slide, water slide and ten pin bowling. I enjoyed it because it was fun and made me messy and I had a great time. I have learned a lot this year in maths like place value, compatible numbers, tidy numbers and more and that is why it's my favourite subject. Next year I am exited about Intermediate because I am in the same class as my friends and there is lots of classes for cooking and this is why I like Intermediate.

Tyrone's 2011

I cant wait until year 5/6 camp because it will be fun.

My favourite memory was the pools because I learned how to swim backwards and dive.

I'm proud of moving up 3 levels in maths because I was a level 3 and I moved up to level 6.

I have been in room 10 for 1 year.

My interests

I have been to Lytton Street School
for six years and I have learnt Reflection
Rotation and Translation...

I am proud of not being shy and saying my
Mihi when we went to the Maere In Term

One thing I have learnt this year was
D.A.R.E.For example D.A.R.E. means
Drug Abuse resistance education.

One thing that I am going to treasure
with me was doing Kapa Haka and having
a wonderful teacher like miss main...

One thing that I am looking forward to
is going to intermediate and finding
a wonderful teacher like the one I already

Good bye L.S.S

My name is Kerilee. I have been in Room 10 for 2 years. My favourite memory for 2011 was going to the army museum because we learned lots, it was kind of intense and it was fun like when we escaped from the trap. I am exited about camp next year because I want to try new ideas, it will be good to get away from my family and waking up early. I enjoyed the year 6 social because it was fun, there were funny videos and yummy food. I am looking forward to going to Intermediate and want to go there for at lest one year.


I have been in Room 10 for 1 year and 1 of my favourite memories was when we did wearable arts. It was a fun activity and I learned lots about modeling but the bit I enjoyed most was the fashion show because I was having fun showing what we had been working on for the last 5 weeks. I am proud that my partner Evie and I won.

I also enjoyed DARE because I learned lots about bad drugs and good drugs and I was proud that I finished all my work so I could enjoy the DARE trip to see the Smurfs and go the Lido.

I have enjoyed being in Room 10 and I'm going to miss everyone and Miss Main

Jayde's time a L.S.S

I have been in Room10 for 2 years and I enjoyed camp because it had a mud slide and I got muddy. I am looking forward to camp next year because it is in Wellington and Wellington is were my sister lives. I am proud of going on the water slide first in my group because no one wanted to go on it. I am proud of doing road patrol because I was helping people cross the road so they don't get hit by a car and I am also proud of getting involved with sport because I am not a sporty person

Time at L.S.S

I have been in Room 10 for 1 year. My highlight is getting more friends to play with when it is raining at morning tea and lunch.

I am looking forward to going to camp and doing all the fun things you get to do and I am looking forward to being a road patroller.

I enjoyed having lots of fun with my teacher and friends because they give me something to do at school time.

At L.S.S in room 10 I learned to do time tables, division and fractions.


I have really enjoyed being at Lytton Street School because of all of the excellent teachers and all the great opportunities LSS has given me. When I first came to Lytton Street School I dreaded coming but there were such great people and teachers and then I always wanted to come to school from that day forward. I'm exited about Intermediate because of all the great opportunities they will have for me at Intermediate. I have learned lot of brilliant techniques of how to times, plus, subtract, and to write, read, and draw. Over all I am proud of how over all my school years my skills have grown vastly throughout out my schooling

Lily B's time with Miss Main

I have been in Room 10 for 2 years and the whole time I've enjoyed it all, from the first day I met Miss Main and said ''Hi my name is Lily Best and I'm the best!" to the year 6 social. Through that time there has been so many cool things like going to camp, doing DARE and going on the trip, and going to the Makino for the road patroller BBQ. But I have to say CAMP was the best! I'm looking forward to being at FIS because there's so many more things to do like sewing, going on the skiing trip and going on a better camp, so I'm tole. This year has been great.

Lily's final post for room 10!!!

I have been in room 10 for 1 year now and my teacher is the wonderful Miss Main!

I am proud of my stanine because at the beginning of the year I was stanine 5 which is an average score for my age then in term 4 I improved by a MILLION I got stanine 9 which is way above my average score and I got highest score in room 10!

My favorite memory with room 10 would have to be the D.A.R.E trip because I got a whole day just hanging out with my friends at the movies and The Lido Aquatic Center. I liked going to the movies because we got a sneak peak at the movie SMURFS before it even came out!

I have enjoyed just being a Room 10 student because we get to do a lot of fun stuff that other classes didn't do such as Wearable arts, plays and hanging out with a very wonderful teacher Miss Main.

I will miss Miss Main when she leaves Room 10 to go to Room 20.

Peter's favourite moments at lytton street school

I have been in Room 10 for 2 years & LSS for 6. My highlight of my time in LSS is when I was in year 5/6 because in year 5 camp was my favourite. The camp was called Forest Lakes, it had a confidence course, mud slide, orientation, flying fox, water slide, bowling, and mini golf. I also had Miss Main as a teacher and she's nice as when she wants to be. Year 6: I have done heaps of stuff but only 3 things PREP was awsome, Miss Main best teacher, the Year 6 social was the best time of my life and DARE is another thing but I did not go because I got my gut cut open. I've learned a lot of things in subjects like reading, writing, and maths and I also want to learn more at Feilding Intermediate School.

Jarrod's last year 5 review

Hi I'm Jarrod and I have been in Room 10 for 1 year now and I have enjoyed it.

I am looking forward to...The year 5/6 CAMP because i just can't wait to do the mud slide and the water slide.

In Room:10 I've learned to multiplication and division.

I have enjoyed doing D.A.R.E because of all the fun and hard work.

I am proud of Miss Main for not being a grumpy teacher for the whole year.

My favourite memory was..Coming to Room 10 and having fun at everything we did in Room 10.

Another thing I am looking forward to next year is...being a year 6 instead of a year 5.

There is 1 more week of school and then I'm a year 6.

I have enjoyed this year and i will enjoy next year more.

The worst part is..there will be NO Room 10 next year.

I will miss Room 10 more then anyone in Lytton Street School.


I have been in room 10 for 2 years. My best memory is going to camp last year because it was like a holiday and we did lots of outdoor things. I'm looking forward to next year because I'm going to Intermediate. I like intermediate because they have more options. This year I enjoyed PREP because we got our own money which meant we could buy products. I'm looking forward to the Christmas holidays because normally we go to Foxton beach.

Lalita's Year at LSS

I have been in Room 10 for a year. My favourite memory is making good friends and playing with them. My favourite game that I played is T-ball I enjoyed it because our class played it together not alone.

I have learned to use different strategies for one question at maths. Some of the strategies I have learned is compatible numbers, tidy numbers, and place value.

I am looking forward to camp because kids from Room 10 say that it is very fun.

Evie 2011

My highlight of my year in Room 10 has been getting in the top group for reading because
we have had really long books. The longest was 215 pages (I read it in a week,te,he.) I'm
proud of how much I've gone up in reading levels because I've gone up about 4 levels. I'm looking forward to going to camp I've been there before but I didn't do much so I'm really looking forward to that. I am not looking forward to going in the pool its ice cold at 8:30 in the morning!!!! Next year is my last year at Lytton Street School and I will be a year 6 so I'm really happy and sad at the same time. I am happy that I will be a year 6 and that we will get to go on camp,but I'm sad it will be my last year at Lytton Street School. I've had a great year in room 10 with Miss Main. I'm sure I'll have a great year next year.

Time at LSS

I have been at L.S.S for 2 years, in that time my favorite thing would definitely have to be the year 5/6 school camp in my first year because of the abseiling / rock climbing,confidence course, and the flying fox.

I am looking forward to having more opportunities to get involved in things like sport.

The thing I am proud of from this year is that I got involved in Kapa Haka and Road Patrol and didn't just do what I had to.

Monday, December 5

Elf Yourself

Thursday, December 1

Wearable Arts

Wearable Arts

Wearable Arts

Wearable Arts

Wearable Arts

Wearable Arts

Wearable Arts

Wearable Arts

Wearable Arts

Wearabale Arts

On Tuesday the 29th Room ten had there Wearable arts.We were all very happy and nervous. In the end Breana and Evie won!YAY!