This is a classroom working blog. You may see mistakes or errors. These errors will not be changed as this is where the children are currently working. This blog will be monitored by the classroom teacher. Thank you for visiting our blog.

Thursday, August 26

School Rocks

Swimming: Swimming is great we get to freestyle, breaststroke, dolphin dive, and backstroke. We swim 25 meter lengths witch is really easy. Gordon.

Swimming: I didn't do swimming because I have grommets. Elizabeth

Speech: The topic was about in the future. I liked doing my speech because I've never done a speech. Not even at all of my other schools. When I was telling the class my speech I was so nervous because I was so scared that my time will not be over 1 minute. So when i had finished my speech Miss Main said 2:12. I was so pleased thats why time was over 1 minute. It had took me 1 week to write my speech because I didn't know what to write. During my speech I didn't look at the audience because I thought Sam would make funny faces. Elizabeth

Speech: The topic was about the future. My speech was about trucks what brands they were. While I was doing my speech I looked at the audience. I could tell my face went red because i could fell the hotness coming through me. I liked doing my speech because it was about what I wanted to be in the future. Gordon

Production: I am looking forward to do the production. we will be having it at the Civic Centre. At my other schools we had a production. I enjoyed doing the production because my family was watching me. This time doing a production at Lytton street school will be cool. Elizabeth

Production: for the production I have to dress up as a girl in a dress and I'm a guy. I have to wear make up a dress and lip sink the opra part in the gumboot song. It is very imbarrising but still it will be fun to be a cross dresser for two nights and one afternoon. I'm in kapa haka and the class part i'm got three things to do kapa haka, lip sinking and the class part. the people in the hip op group have to be zombies. This is my first production in my entier LIFE !!!!!.Gordon