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Monday, December 12

Lily's final post for room 10!!!

I have been in room 10 for 1 year now and my teacher is the wonderful Miss Main!

I am proud of my stanine because at the beginning of the year I was stanine 5 which is an average score for my age then in term 4 I improved by a MILLION I got stanine 9 which is way above my average score and I got highest score in room 10!

My favorite memory with room 10 would have to be the D.A.R.E trip because I got a whole day just hanging out with my friends at the movies and The Lido Aquatic Center. I liked going to the movies because we got a sneak peak at the movie SMURFS before it even came out!

I have enjoyed just being a Room 10 student because we get to do a lot of fun stuff that other classes didn't do such as Wearable arts, plays and hanging out with a very wonderful teacher Miss Main.

I will miss Miss Main when she leaves Room 10 to go to Room 20.