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Monday, July 4

Taking Risks with Room 1!

Rumours' Buddy
On Tuesday the 28th of June Room 1 came to Room 10 for taking risks. My buddy's name is Tazman and I supported her by cheering her on and helping her through every thing.
I helped her through things that she was scared of but she could do the rest of the things on her own because she was brave. I think it is an important job because they will learn things on there own when they grow up. I learned that when you grow up you can figure things on your own by believing you can do it.

Tylah's Buddy
My buddy was Alaric from Room 1 and I supported him by saying you can do it.
I helped Alaric do things he was scared of and I would let him do the things he knows. It is an important job so that when they grow up they will know what to do. I learnt that if you help them and teach them they will understand what to do when they are older like Room 10.


Room 1 - The Beach and Beyond said...

Thank you to our big buddies for helping us do lots of cool things on the playground and for letting us take risks!!