We were looking at the probability of throwing heads-heads, tails-tails or heads-tails. Our graph shows that heads-tails is most likely because it has a probability of 50% an the others only have a probability of 25%
Friday, May 20
Posted by Miss Main at 12:33 PM 0 comments
We used pages to make this graph. It shows the results from when we threw two coins. We were looking at probability.
Posted by Miss Main at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cole
We made this bar graph it shows how many counters we pulled out of a container. Then we made a bar graph on pages. By Evie and Tyrone
Posted by Miss Main at 12:25 PM 1 comments
We had 40 counters, 20 blue and 20 pink after we got a counter out we didn't put it back in the container so the probability changed each time we pulled out a counter.
Posted by Miss Main at 12:24 PM 0 comments
The Tally Ho Chart Is About What Kind Of Burger At What Time?
We first made a tally chart then made a bar chart on Keynote
By Lily M And Shanleigh W
Posted by Miss Main at 12:21 PM 0 comments
First we went on to keynote and did a bar graph about our tossing 2 coins at a time. We had to toss it 24 times to see what is it most likely it would land on. We found that heads, tails is the most likely because it has a 50% probability of happening and the other two options only have a 25% probability of happening.
Posted by Miss Main at 12:18 PM 0 comments
First we went on to keynote and picked a style of page for our graphs an then we started to work on our data when had finished that we went on to making our key and label and then we coloured our bars :) Our graph shows how many people live on different streets.
Posted by Miss Main at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 18
Student of the Week
Congratulations to Kerilee, Room 10's Student of the Week. Kerilee is a wonderful role model to the junior children and is always willing to help out wherever is needed. Well done Kerilee!!!!!
Posted by Miss Main at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kerilee
Peter and Crystal-Lee's iMovie
Posted by Miss Main at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Crystal-Lee, Peter
Monday, May 16
Army Museum Visit
On Thursday we went to Waiouru to visit the National Army Museum. We had a great time and learned lots about New Zealand's Military history. Thanks to the staff, parents and teachers that made it such a great day.
Posted by Miss Main at 7:30 PM 5 comments
Labels: Room 10
Wednesday, May 11
Market Research
M B Printery is a company that specializes in all things creative. We're experts in drawing and design. We have one more survey for you. Please take some time to fill it out as it will help us develop our final product better. Also, please keep us in mind for any of your designing needs.
Thanks M B Printery
Click here to take survey
Tuesday, May 10
Dylan Elise
This morning we were lucky enough to get a visit from Dylan Elise, he is a drummer from Auckland. Dylan started drumming when he was 6 and put on an awesome show! His message to us was, "Live your Dream!"
Have a look at the photos:
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.
Posted by Miss Main at 12:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: Room 10
We have been working on developing slogans for our companies. Slogans are short phrases that stick in your head, eg: I'm Lovin' It (Mc Donalds)
This is what we have come up with, let us know what you think:
Just Jewelery:
Just Jewelry, It'll make you shine! (Lalita)
Look pretty cool with Just Jewelery! (Mikayla)
MB Printery:
MB Printery, That's where you wanna be! (Lily B)
Print, Print, Print all day (Jack)
MB Printery, Go there pleasey! (Tylah)
MB Printery's the right place to be! (Kade)
We have posters, cards and bookmarks YEAH! (Peter)
MB Printery! Yeah Man Yeah! (Jarrod)
Carnival Land:
Carnival Land makes everyone happy (Sarah)
Carnival Land, the place to be! (Breana)
Carnival Land where everyone's dreams come true! (Lily M)
Carnival Land is so much fun! (Rumours)
Whizz Fizz Stand:
Pop the lid, drink it up, The Whizz Fizz Stand (Riley)
Whizz Fizz - Come in and get your fizz in a whizz! (Evie)
Whizz Fizz - Shake it up! (Crystal-Lee)
The whizz fizz stand is where to be, there are bubbles in the air and we're all filled with glee! (Kerilee)
Monday, May 9
Market Research
Room 9 and 10 are ready to hear your opinions on our products. Please take the time to look at our surveys and answer them. Your input would be really helpful in helping us decide on our final product.
The Fizz Whizz Stand:
The Fizz Whizz Stand is a refreshing drinks company, specializing in fizzy drinks. Thank you for taking the time to do our survey.
Click here to take survey
Carnival Land:
Carnival Land is a place where you can test your skills to win a prize. Thanks for taking the time to do our survey.
Click here to take survey
Wednesday, May 4
Statistical Investigations
In maths at the moment we are learning about statistical investigations. This will help us in PrEP as we start doing our market research. Today we looked at different ways to display data and discussed what types of graphs we use for different information. As a fun activity we decided to make a people graph based on what colour t-shirt we were wearing today. It is like 3D picture graph. Here is what it looked like!We found out that blue and black were the most popular colours of t-shirt to wear to school today!
Posted by Miss Main at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Room 10
The 'K' Sound
Today we read the poem, "Wastebasket Brother" and looked at the 'K' sound.
See if you can find the 'K' sounds in this poem:
Someone put their baby brother
Under this basket-
The question is exactly why,
But I'm not going to ask it.
But someone, I ain't sayin' who,
Has got a guilty face,
Ashamed for lettin' such a lovely brother
Posted by Miss Main at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 2
Welcome to Term Two!!!!!
Welcome back everyone!!!!! I hope everyone had a relaxing break and indulged in some yummy Easter Eggs!!! We have another long term to look forward to but there is lots going on to keep us busy. In week 2 we are off to the Army Museum in Waiouru, keep those permission slips and $3.50 coming in. We are continuing with our PrEP and Market Day is planned for Thursday 9 June, I hope you can come along and see all the amazing work we have put in to it. We also have interviews coming up in Week 11 but feel free to come in and make an appointment if you have any queries.
Thanks for your continued support!!!
Miss Main
Posted by Miss Main at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Room 10