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Wednesday, May 26

Forest Lakes 2010

In Room 10 we have been learning to inform others. We have done this by writing captions for some of our camp photos. We hope you enjoy them :)
Slippery Slidey: Taylah slides down the wet slidey water slide at Forest Lakes, "Ahh, that's cold!" she screamed as she flies down.
- Anna
Boom: Boom! Taylah went flying from the water slide and Taylah nearly did a half back flip at Forest Lakes Camp.
- Shanleigh
Down, Down, Splash: Taylah zooms down the water slide and goes airborne into the lake three weeks ago at Forest Lakes.
- Callum
Zoom!: As Taylah goes zooming down the water slide at Forest Lakes Camp she flips in the air and lands in the lake.
- Rumours

Zoom: Three weeks ago something came zooming down the mudslide, it was Gordon at Forest Lakes. SPLASH, mud went all over the place!
- Lily
Wow: Gordon went zooming down the mud slide he went so fast that he went into the stinky mud at Forest Lakes.
- Sam
Slippery Mud Slide: Gordon went as fast as light. We couldn't believe the splash in the mud at Forest Lakes.
- Jayde
Mud Mud: Off goes Gordon on the mudslide at Forest Lakes three weeks ago.
- Hayden

Bump Bump: Three weeks ago at Forest Lakes Camp, Rumours went on the bumpy brown fluffy horse up the road and to the big hill and went back down.
- Tylah
Jockey: Rumours conquers her fears in riding a horse at Forest Lakes Camp, pretending to be a jockey.
- Peter
Clippity Clop: Clipptiy Clop go the horses feet as Rumours conquer her fears at Forest Lakes camp.
- Kerilee
Kiss Kiss: Kiss kiss goes our teachers after coming off the water slide at Forest Lake camp.
- Taylah
Mwah: There goes the teachers of the year 5/6 classrooms making a kissy pose after coming off the water slide three weeks ago at Forest Lakes Camp.
- Michaela
Kissy Girls: All the young teachers pull their faces into a kissy pose at Forest Lakes Camp after sliding down the mud and water slides.
- Sarah
Young Teachers: As the teachers form Lytton Street School got off the water slide at Forest Lakes they got ready for their young teacher pose.
- Conor
Teachers: The teachers think they are beautiful posing for the camera after going on the water slide at Forest Lakes camp.
- Brayden
Say Cheese: The teachers had just gone down the water slide and the mudslide at Forest Lakes. Afterwards they did their kissy pose!
- Kaea

Long Way Down: At Forest Lakes George holds on tight as he jumps down to the bottom of the man made wall.
- Gordon
Down, Down, Down: George is jumping off a cliff having lots and lots of fun at Forest Lakes Camp.
- George