This is a classroom working blog. You may see mistakes or errors. These errors will not be changed as this is where the children are currently working. This blog will be monitored by the classroom teacher. Thank you for visiting our blog.

Thursday, July 22


wordls are really cool and funny but they are sometimes really hard to can have allsorts of words in wordles thanks for reading.


In Room 10 we are learning about Creativity we have done it by making a Wordle about Creativity and Painting.

By Taylah & Tylah.

Thursday, July 1

Shapes Around The School

Here are some of the shapes that we found in maths so we could record what the shapes are and how many sides, faces and corners they have.

By Lily, Kerille and George

Mucking About With Shapes

We have been learning about 3D shapes. We went around the school looking for 3D shapes and took photos of everyday objects. Most of these objects were found on the playground.

By Michael, Gordon and Kade

3D Shapes

We have been looking at 3D objects. We took photos of 3D shapes around the school and recorded descriptions of these shapes.

By Callum, Peter and Conor


A cylinder has 0 corners 2 edges and 3 faces, a cylinder may be seen as a can of soda or a pencil case. A triangular prism has9 edges 6 corners and 5 faces this can be seen as a roof.Shapes are fun.

3D Shapes

In Room 10 we are doing 3D Shapes from 2D like this one a pipe will be a cylinder because it has 3 Faces 2 Edges and 0 Corners.

By Taylah Rumours and Anna.

3D Shapes

This is a recording of our group saying something about each 3D shape. We walked a round and took photos of 3D shapes we could find. On the playgrounds and on the courts.

By Emily, Sarah, Sam and Devlin